“Chug, chug” – tis the sound of my motor, yo.

I have an intention coin made by my good friend Rebecca at FreeHippie which reads: “Live by intuition and inspiration” which is an extract from a quote I love by Eileen Caddy. The full version is:

Cease trying to work everything out with your minds.
It will get you nowhere.
Live by intuition and inspiration and let your whole life be Revelation.

I used to wear this on a chain until the chain broke when I was rather enthusiastically waving about and managed to catch the necklace. I have no idea how I managed to as the chain was pretty sturdy, but it broke none the less. Since then it has remained in my purse for the last couple of years – and that sufficed. Not anymore.

I was thinking about my coin earlier and have decided to pull it out and attach it to a necklace or cord to replace my totem necklace I’ve worn for the last couple of years. It’s not necessarily that I feel I need it, but I think it’ll help. This week’s actually been a pretty good week for deflecting any negativity in my life. The work situation hasn’t changed, but my attitude seems to have and I want to stick with this. By wearing the intention coin I want to be able to remind myself regularly what it is that’s important in my life.

I know I don’t want to remain there, and something will come up that’s better suited to me. But I need to accept that it’s a necessary evil and, whilst I am there, I should do my best to not let it knock me off my game. It’s not important, so I shouldn’t give it more energy or time than it truly warrants. Especially since it’s been affecting my sleep and that’s never a good thing for clarity and a positive attitude. Which reminds me of the quote:

When you know what’s important, it’s a lot easier to ignore what’s not.

I believe that was a quote that came from the Flylady.net articles, in case you wondered.

But, what is important?

Well, I am. My dreams and aspirations are most definitely the things that I should hold onto and cherish. I have left toxic relationships (friendships and otherwise) because I felt they wouldn’t allow me the freedom to pursue the dreams I have, so why should I tolerate it from myself?

This may also go towards explaining my love of Marie Forleo. She is a big believer in loving yourself, your vision and working towards a better future both for yourself and for the community too. And she really makes me believe I can achieve that, which is why it makes me sad that I’m not in the position financially to take her business course this year. I’m going to try to whip up a scholarship application but I know that I won’t be able to get the money together before the registration closes on the 5 March if I don’t get the scholarship – and there are so many great candidates who really deserve it, who have their businesses up and running and are doing some great work.

What inspires you? Do share!

ROW80LogocopyIn terms of my writer’s plans, I set up Scrivener again after a very long break and transferred my Lost in the Dark script to it. Added a whole bunch of scene outlines and sorted out the story arc and sub-plot. I’ve added 8 pages (which brings me up to 24/100) before realising I don’t like Scrivener for this. I like that I can move things around, scene wise, but it isn’t easy for seeing how much work I’ve done. It doesn’t seem to format things properly, and the damn cursor won’t do as it’s told. So I transferred back to Word and I’m currently just using Scrivener for the plan (kind of like a story board), as well as storing notes and such for later. I’m just having to split my Word document up in such a way that it’s easy enough to see when I need to move things around if I change the ordering on Scrivener.

I’m not going to worry too much about format at the moment though, I’m just thinking about what’s easier for draft purposes. Can’t believe the script workshop is only 2 weeks and 3 days away! I also received an email from BBC Writer’s Room:

Scriptroom 5 will open for online submissions from 9am on Monday 17th March until midnight on Monday 31st March inclusive.

This year we are accepting submissions by genre. For Scriptroom 5, we will only be accepting TV & Film Drama scripts.

If you would like to submit a comedy, radio, children’s or stage script later in the year, the submission windows can be found on our blog.

Best of luck – we look forward to receiving your scripts!

How perfect is that timing? It just so happens to be that Lost in the Dark is a drama script. Whoop! I know there aren’t any guarantees but it certainly fits nicely into the writer lifestyle as quoted from Holly Lisle:

The definition of a writing career is: write a book, write another book, write another book

Once I finish this script, I send it off and move on to the next project. Thereby getting myself into the habit of not thinking too much about the whys and wherefores. I know I have lots to learn but I’d rather be learning on the job. If it’s rejected, it’s rejected. But at least I sent it out and learn from that process. I can only get better with practice and perseverance, right? “Yay” to forward momentum!

Until next time, folks. Go visit ROWERs!


Information addict

The safest thing to ensure I actually stay faithful to my writer ‘muse’ is to be blasted into outer space with something to write with and on. Implements designed not to float away. Having a space suit and a sufficient supply of food, drink and a way to dispose of waste would also be super handy. Ok… this is getting rather complicated now. I’m sure you get the picture though.

I get distracted so easily, especially by learning something new. It has this way of making me feel productive even if I haven’t planned it in. Rather than going through my list of things to do that day, I read a helpful article, piece of advice, explore a website… and so on. Oh well, I’ll get there.

In doing so though, I came across a few really great bits of information. I found some fantastic information which is essentially a dummy’s guide to building a website (perfect!), listened to Holly Lisle critique some of her student’s work to show how to improve when developing a novel, and I’ve just found an article which directed me to where I can create an editorial calender really easily. See why I feel I’m being productive?

So, I’m now the proud owner of my own domain name, but I’m yet to set up the website. I’m also in the process of building my editorial calendar which will include set days for blogging (such as the ROW80 and Insecure Writer Support Group updates) and I’ll be adding my own projects to that too so it’s all in one place. I do like feeling productive.

Oh! And I’ve also managed to install Scrivener as I bought a laptop ages ago but never got around to switching my membership to this laptop. Now my script is all set up on there, and I’ve even managed to sort out the story arc by moving and adding scenes, essentially planning right there and then! The only bug bear I have though is that, although I’m in the script template, there doesn’t appear to be any guidance on the format. The font was really cursive, which didn’t look right so I changed that. I’ll have to spend some time working that one out at a later stage, but for now it does the job. I can worry about working the kinks out once the draft is done and dusted.

Can’t wait to start building new and better novel drafts in there too! It’s been a while since I used it so I totally forget how beautifully simple it was.

I hope everyone’s week has started out great!

All the best,


Forging friendships and learning: help me pitch?

http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2014/02/15/prompt-money-for-nothing/ – Thinking about my “dream job”…

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been working on what it is I want to achieve in my life – where I see it going. The main visions I have revolve around having a creative input by developing content people connect with, such as scripts or novels. I also want to be involved in the community through providing free workshops and learning experiences, especially for adults who are otherwise unable to access opportunities to develop new skills, in person. I know there is so much information available on the internet, to which I’m very grateful, but I feel our society would benefit from workshops in person where groups can share their  knowledge, experience and form networks within their own community. Workshops that are essentially dictated by the needs of the community but could be anything from learning how to use Microsoft packages, to dress making, drama, art, basic car maintenance, idea development, project management… and so on.

I believe this as I’m repeatedly looking for groups where I can meet people, learn and share but rarely find them within my price range.

What I’ve been trying to do is create a sustainable business model or plan, both for my brand ‘Callie Weylin’ (the writer) and for the bigger project of bringing individuals together to forge a community of learners. I’m actually reaching out to you guys as I’m currently trying to develop a 90-second pitch for a scholarship to B-school. I don’t have any fancy technology and I’ll be filming it on my mobile phone. I’m not even entirely sure how to even edit and upload a video to youtube since I haven’t had experience doing so (something else to add to the list of free workshops?).

What I’d like to know is, do you have any tips on developing this video pitch as I only have a few days to do it? Any advice is welcome on how to edit a video which will be shot on a Samsung Galaxy S3 and my laptop which is Windows 8 (which I’m no good with – it hates me).

I’ll be keeping the visual fairly simple since I’m not at the point of being able to experiment too much.

In the event of not being fortunate enough to obtain a B-school scholarship (I can’t afford to pay the subscription this year), do you have any advice or links to resources for business/charity development including website design, marketing and creating an income that ensures the business/charity continues to grow?

Thank you for your time in reading this!



Is that a vortex I see, or is the universe just pleased to see me?

There is definitely some vacuum-like action going on in the world around me. The kill-me-now workplace has sucked me in and is refusing to spit me back out, much to my disapproval. Will I stand for it? Hell, no! I will endeavour to spit, scratch and kick my way out (if it comes to that). However, I would much rather a more civil approach like bowing out and moving on to better pastures in a non-confrontational/low-drama kind of fashion. At present, I’ve been spending a lot of my free time job searching but I contacted a temping agency to see about my options for switching sectors and gaining experience through temping. They seemed really positive and requested my CV, so we shall see how it goes.  Watch this space…

In terms of self-improvement, still watching those Marie Forleo videos. Only wish I had a spare £1,500 for B-school! The good thing is that a lot of the advice for getting started thinking like a modern, creative entrepreneur is totally free. I guess it’s worth looking at for next year’s intake if I’m any closer to honing in on what I want to develop, business-wise. For anyone wanting to learn more about Marie Forleo and her advice on marketing with a heart, her videos are here. I know I talk about her a lot in these blogs at the moment but I’m only just beginning to focus on an interest in business development and I really love her life-coach approach to money, business and personal development as well as the sources she draws upon. “Yay” for strong, female role models!

I’ve also been mulling over this whole website shenanigans. What benefits are there to having your own domain name? Is it possible to add things like tracking codes and coloured text if you don’t have your own domain (like a free wordpress package, for example)?

ROW80LogocopyI’ve been spending quite a bit of time reaching out and trying to build a network of fellow creatives for me to draw upon, which I think is working quite well. I love reading the posts I’ve been coming across, as well as finding lots of invaluable advice on how to approach creative projects (and even life!). I particularly love shanjeniah‘s idea of a ‘Play Jar‘! I can’t wait to start making one of my own – though it may be a Play Box or a Play Tub – but still with the same intention of enjoying life through creativity and exploration of the world around me. In fact, I’ve found lots of thought-provoking insights peppered throughout her posts, but that’s for you to discover.

Guess what I watched yesterday? ‘Beasts of the Southern Wild‘! Oh my. What a beautiful film! Yes, I did indeed cry. I also made notes – it ran to about 89 minutes (89 pages) as well as my own guess on what I feel matches up to the beat sheet according to the story arc I observed. I quite enjoy this ‘excuse’ to watch a movie. I’ve not watched a film at home in about 6 months prior to starting this exercise of analysing films! The last film I watched for fun was at the cinema and it was called ‘Nebraska‘ but that was about a month ago, I think. What I loved most about ‘Beasts of the Southern Wild’ was actually the closing statement: That we’re “little pieces of a big universe”. It doesn’t really matter where you’re from, what your culture is, what experiences you’ve had… I think anyone can identify with that.

In terms of writing, I’ve been making notes on ideas but there’s been no ‘serious’ writing yet, though I know I’ll get to it. Just trying to get caught up on my studies so I don’t fall behind. I have started sketching out the bare bones of a new project though, entirely different to my normal stuff and something I’m aware will probably take a couple of years to flesh out (mostly because I’m the guinea pig). It essentially falls within the genre of a self-improvement though I’m not so sure if that’s where it’ll stay. It’s a long way from now though, and it may end up essentially a guidebook to the workshops I’d like to develop but, for the purposes of these blog updates, I shall refer to it as a novel. I know it’s going to flit between friendships, life and business (work-life balance?) but no idea what the end result will be yet. I may just refer to it as Down To Business (DTB) so I can separate it from other projects.

So, whilst I haven’t yet achieved what I hoped to this week, I still have a few days yet to pull it back. I’ve managed to rid myself of one post-it’s worth of tasks and activities on sustainability (FutureLearn), with just two post-it’s remaining for that. Once I’m caught up there, I can then move onto outlining my next assignment for my English degree, bang out some pages on the LITD script (currently at 16/100) then there’s time to play on research/exploration of the new project and/or other interests. Such as reading or learning something new.

I hope everyone’s having a great week filled with adventure!




Dreams, psychos and zombies: a ROW80 update

Do you remember the band Fleetwood Mac? I keep getting their songs in my head recently. Both their songs ‘Go Your Own Way‘ and ‘Dreams‘ particularly.

I do love these songs. They remind me of long drives on the motorway with the sun streaming through the windows and a book in my lap whilst the rest of the family chattered away amongst themselves. Sometimes there were sweets or chocolate too! The joys of family trips…

I was thinking of the song ‘Dreams’ earlier as I mulled over my week. This verse in particular:

Now here I go again, I see, the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself
It’s only me
Who wants to wrap around your dreams and
Have you any dreams you’d like to sell?
Dreams of loneliness…
Like a heartbeat drives you mad…
In the stillness of remembering

It’s been an odd week. I never heard back from the job interview I went for, so I’ve been sulking over that for a start. I’ve been in a bit of a funk over a bunch of things really as work’s been driving me nuts with so many people with bad attitudes being there. Not being able to make time to see a friend or develop new friendships due to the crappy hours I do work. And then there’s my odd sleeping patterns… I don’t seem to be able to sleep right through at the moment, and I’ve been having some really weird dreams. Not the kind of dreams that normally leads to a good little story outline, but there’s most definitely been an interesting character that’s come out of the latest one: baby-faced psychos are totally the way forward. Right? Right.

That aside… Let’s get down to business.


Firstly I wanted to say a big “Thank You” to the fabulous people from ROW80, IWSG and other creatives who have stopped by and posted words of wisdom and encouragement. I really appreciate it! Also, thank you to Shanjeniah for the link-back on her latest update.

You know, I’m actually quite impressed with myself overall this week. I haven’t checked off everything on my to-do lists but there has definitely been a marked improvement.

I’m now up to 16 / 100 pages on my script WIP ‘Lost in the Dark‘. Given that I only started working on this on Wednesday, I’m really happy with this progress and definitely feel the 25 page goal per week is achievable. I was watching one of my favourite films the other day called ‘Hocus Pocus’ with a critical eye. I wanted to see if I could fit the bits and pieces to the beat sheet I’m working with and roughly at what points they come in. Happy to say I think I’m getting the hang of it. The film ran to 88 minutes (each film minute equates to roughly one page of script), so I definitely have some wiggle room if I’m aiming for 100 pages of draft.

As mentioned in an earlier blog post, I’m booked onto an all-day script writing workshop on the 8 March 2014! I really can’t wait. I’m definitely picking things up as I go along, as well as reading guides and advice around writing which is really helping to see what I need to come back to, but it’ll be great to get some real feedback and see how things can be improved with having some tuition on development, dialogue, format and so on… If anyone’s from or around Manchester (UK), let me know if you plan on attending ‘Script Writing North‘ (formerly ‘Primary Creations’) too!

I also received my grade from my latest English assignment on transcription conventions – 84%! I’m so happy! I received lots of positive feedback and ways to improve to push to a pass 1 on the next assignment, as my tutor’s confident I can do it. I really am surprised I did that well though as I was not so confident at the point of submission.

I’ve not really been keeping up with the ‘free’ learning courses through FutureLearn at the moment, but I’m going to crack on with those today. My aim is to get a bunch of articles read and contribute to a couple of discussions on the #FLsustain course, particularly since we moved onto sustainable learning which should be interesting. And then I can move onto a chunk of the activities on #FLHamlet. I just want to pull things back to a manageable point as I don’t want to fall so far behind that I give up on it. I don’t like giving up – doesn’t sit well with me at all.

The plans to be more active, even if only for short periods each day, are hit and miss since I don’t include work in that. Some days I stick to it, other days I don’t. It’s getting better though as the days I do stick with it are more frequent than the ‘not’ days. We’re getting there! At least I’m maintaining my current weight, rather than gaining as usually happens when I’m in a bit of a funk…

As mentioned in a previous post, I received some books I ordered that I want to start working on. I don’t want to set time frames for them yet as I still have the Ibsen book ‘A Doll’s House, and other plays‘ to finish (I did plan on reading that by the end of Jan, so I have to catch up there!) and a fiction book called ‘I, Zombie’ by Jo Michaels to finish on my Kindle and review. The books I bought are self-help type books though, so I can probably fit little chunks in here and there. One being ‘Money: A love story‘ by Kate Northrup, and the other being ‘Blink‘ by Malcolm Gladwell. I want to work on Kate’s first as I believe that will be most useful to help me feel more ‘in control’ and organised. I also picked up one of Kait Nolan’s ‘Meet Cute’ stories called ‘Once Upon a Snow Day‘ to read through. I haven’t actually read any of her published works yet, as embarrassing as that is to say, so we’re going to change that!

Visit other ROWers here!

Well, that’s all for now folks…



So excited! Workshops and curry.

I have officially parted with some hard-earned cash to pay for the script writing workshop on 8 March 2014 with Script Writing North/Primary Creations in Manchester. Good thing I don’t mind living frugally – slow cookers are such a wonderful invention, particularly when partnered with some fantastic, low budget recipes!

I’ve been a big fan of a curry recipe I found (with a few tweaks) so that all I ever need to buy are 2 carrots, 1 large potato, 550ml light coconut milk and meat (if it’s a meat curry I’m going for). The other ingredients are:

1 clove of garlic (or powder), 2 tbs medium curry powder, 2 tsps cumin, 1 tsp turmeric, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, 1tsp pepper, 1 tbsp ginger (or ground), 250 ml water, cayenne pepper to taste (or 1 chilli, if you prefer).

Leave in the slow cooker for a minimum of 4 hours on high (adjust if on a low setting). I tend to add more water to ensure all ingredients are covered, but then you have to reduce fluid so it’s the right consistency. Enjoy!

Let me know if you try it. The original recipe was from allrecipes by ‘Frida’ (‘Slow Cooker Chicken Curry’).

Seinfield, chains and the ether.

I was on a little journey venturing through articles on business development and productivity before I stumbled across one titled How the ‘Seinfield Strategy’ can help you stop procrastinating. This definitely caught my eye since I’d already become sucked into reading by 10am rather than cracking on with the to-do list I wrote around 9am.

Phrases leapt off the page and successively jabbed me in the eye:

You need to pick a task that is meaningful…

Writing can actually produce a meaningful result, even when it’s done in small doses…

…you’re never going to write… by merely researching…

Thank you James Clear for reminding me of what’s important – not to break the chain. I need to find me a wall calender!


I was reading a blog post by Tia Bach in which she discussed her marketing concerns and that totally hit home for me. This week I seem to be conquering the demon (Ha! Take that, demon!) that prevents me from creating; only to be tackle-glomped by the reality that the next step is going to be harder!

I’m trying not to let that throw up the road blocks though. I want to embrace each challenge as being something new and exciting. I don’t have a hoard of people to rally around me. I actually currently have no set network (does my mum count?). I’m definitely at the beginning of this ‘create an author platform’ journey. I love the idea of that growing, but what if it doesn’t? What if I continue to send out blog posts, thoughts, advice from what I’ve learned, and then my work out into the ether only to receive no input. It’s no longer about receiving negative critiques of my work, or not being able to sell anything that worries me – it’s receiving nothing. No comments, no support, no insights, not even the sound of crickets (maybe I should download a track full of crickets?)

So, in summary, I feel great that I’m clambering over the creative hump and getting back into the pattern I love but the future looms ahead in that rather menacing fashion… how do you tackle that fear? Have you created a platform you’re happy with?

Visit other IWSG members!

Hollywood and Haagen-Dazs: A ROW80 check-in.

I think I’m at that point now where I’ve gone through that many self-help books, inspirational quotes, life coach blogs and youtube videos that all those bits of advice are starting to meld together. The main piece of advice that seems to run through all that is:

Think about the kind of person you want to be in the future and be that person now.

This covers so many areas for me. It covers fitness, diet, lifestyle, friendships, work ethic, creativity… and so on.

I see myself being a healthy and active person in my future, so I have to ensure my attitude now changes to meet the expectations of my future self. It’s certainly not easy and it won’t change over night, but making small adjustments that become ‘good’ habits for the long haul is in my best interests. That means I need to tackle that little voice that seems to think eating tubs of ice cream when I feel a bit crap is a good plan. Damn Hollywood!

The biggest one for me is a combination of ‘work ethic’ and ‘creativity’. How can I aspire to be a writer if I don’t write? My work ethic is great when I’m working for someone else or submitting work to someone else’s deadlines (such as my assignments), but making excuses to avoid creating, or making writing a lower priority than lots of other things, ultimately only hurts me and my future self.

I set up a basic beat sheet earlier for a new project I’ve been mulling over but hadn’t put it in writing until then, then I went for a walk to reflect on it. I realised that, it’s all well and good having all these ideas and noting them down, but if I don’t actually create something with it, it’s pointless. I’m just wasting trees! Whilst I was out I was thinking about where the idea for this piece came from and how I’d go about writing it, what deadline I wanted to set, why I was writing it… and so on. It resulted in an imagined interview from a local journalist wanting to ask me about the script that was in production since she was super excited to find out the piece was written by someone in the same town:

Extract from imagined interview:

Interviewer: It’s a really interesting plot, Callie. Can I ask why you wrote it? Some people say you wrote it about yourself…

Callie: (laughs) Yes, I’ve heard that too. It isn’t about me at all, but I did write it for me. I know that sounds a little strange… I wanted to write something that resonated with me – – I think we are subjected to so many stories where everything is perfect: the people are perfect, the settings are perfect, the lifestyles are perfect… all that’s needed is to get those perfect things to all work in sync and you get yourself a Hollywood romance. At least, that’s how it looked for me.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve watched and enjoyed the occasional chick-flick, but once the film’s over and I return to reality, I feel crap. My life isn’t like that and it’s unlikely it ever will be. I wanted to write a film that gave someone like me hope. That I didn’t have to fall into bed with someone I barely new and just hope it all came together, I didn’t have to revamp myself and pretend to be someone I’m not to be noticed, or to resort to whatever other desperate measures to ‘get the guy’.

I don’t believe in fate or soul mates, but I do believe in love, lust, passion… I believe that love isn’t about compromising on who you are and what you value, it’s about making a meaningful connection. And that’s really what I wanted to explore with ‘Lost in the Dark’.


My goals were basically to go easy on myself and not give myself a hard time if I didn’t create anything, but the plan was to start moving forwards and develop better habits that would ensure I did create more. There definitely seems to be a mindset shift as a result.

Generally, I’m feeling really positive and upbeat, aside from today when I finally accepted I wasn’t getting a callback from the job I had an interview for. I may not be ticking off all the items on the to-do list either, but I’m getting better at getting my arse in gear for chunks of time.

*I submitted my English assignment on 03 February, so that gives me a little breather before I have to get back to it.

*I’ve finally chucked the crap out of my room and it’s looking clutter free (though I haven’t dismantled the bookcase yet).

*I ordered books I’ve wanted for a while (which are related to writing, money and business) with loyalty points I’d accumulated on a website (woo – ‘free’ books!).

And, as discussed further up in the blog, the script I’ll be developing is ‘Lost in the Dark’ and I’ll be starting the write-up this evening. I have done 6 pages tonight (took me about an hour, and part of that was getting used to the formatting). 19 more to do this week to stay on target. My aim is to have approximately 100 pages written by 10 March (at the latest) which works out at roughly 25 pages per week to have completed before that date. I’ll have to review this on the Sunday ROW80 check-in as to whether I’m feeling it’s achievable around work and study.

I was watching some clips from the ‘Be your own boss’ TV series featuring Richard Reeds and he basically said that if you want something badly enough, you have to be prepared to put the extra work in. I know it’s not new advice, but it was a very effective reminder of what mindset I need to adopt to be the person I want to be. I can’t wait around for a job change as there’ll just be another ‘something’ that gets in the way.

I’m going to finish with a question for you: why did you/are you writing your current piece?

Visit other ROW80 bloggers here!

And… we’re in!

After a good night’s rest and an early rise, I plucked out my notepad and jotted a few ideas on what I’d like to achieve before my shift this evening. Nothing particularly earth shattering but I certainly would like to make this time productive, so I’ve got things like time for research, to finish up on the bookshelf de-clutter and put what needs to be kept in the loft to give myself some space. I also have plans to get some exercise in there as well as developing some order to my desk space (in, out and pending files/folders, for example, which is advice from Matthew Stibbe about developing an attitude for getting things done). And to work on narrowing down the options for gaining structured writing experience of a public nature (excluding blog posting).

It seems the many hours I’ve spent trawling through sites, blogs and whatever else I could find has finally come to something useful. Has anyone heard of ‘aboutmyarea‘? I know I’ve stumbled across it a few times but my local area is actually fairly quiet. Articles don’t go up very often, especially not in the areas I want to write for, which is actually perfect for me! It’ll give me the experience I need to practice developing original content, as well as the actual process of article writing, without worrying about stepping on another person’s toes. It’s obviously not paid work as it’s community generated content but I don’t mind that so much at the moment.

How would you go about saving articles for a portfolio? Do I just link to the pages of my article if I sent proposals later on down the line, or do I print and save? Or do I do both? Are there any other suggestions?

Right, so that’s one thing checked off my to-do list, now to work on what I want to cover and when I want to cover it…

Habit 1: “Be proactive” is well under way! We’re now working with habit 2: “Begin with the end in mind” and habit 3: “Put first things first” simultaneously (‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People‘ by Stephen R. Covey).

Warm regards,
